Friday, May 24, 2013

LOVE - Sigma Customer Service

Hey Hey my little Beauty Munchkins!

Yes, I is Friday. Which usually means there is a Music Friday post coming up, but I just went down to check my mailbox and I had to share this with you ASAP :D

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Catrice - LE "Hip Trip"

Hey Hey my little Beauty Munchkins!

As I already told you in my Manicure Monday – Wheels On Fire post at the beginning of this week I went on a little shopping spree. To be exact it was just a Catrice Limited Edition “Hip Trip” shopping spree :D What I like to do when a new LE comes out is first search the web what will be in it. Most of the time I already know when I look at stuff on the Catrice website what I will buy from it and what not, but this LE kinda surprised me.

Monday, May 20, 2013

℘ Monday Manicure - Wheels On Fire

Hey Hey my little Beauty Munchkins!

It is Monday again – who would have thought?! :P
Last week I’ve been on a liiiittle shopping spree and by that I mean really just a small one. I only bought three items. So I guess you can’t really call it shopping spree just random shopping. But oh well I’m just fancy like that :D
You are going to see what I bought a little later this week.
For now I’m just gonna show you my new nail polish that happened to jump in my shopping bag :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

LOVE out of HATE - Glossybox, Figs&Rouge, Sans Soucis, Schwarzkopf

Hey Hey my little Beauty Munchkins!

Last year I decided to jump on the subscription-box-train and ordered Glossybox. It was always a lot more worth than I paid, so that was a good thing. But this is where the good things end. I never had more than one thing in each box that I really liked. And for my taste there were way too many face creams and serums in it. I always had the feeling that they don’t really care about your beauty profile, so why even bother making one?!
After 6 month of trial and a lot of error I decided to stop the subscription.

Monday, May 13, 2013

℘ Monday Manicure - Collection and Storage

Hey Hey my little Beauty Munchkins!

As my nails are HORRIBLE right now, this week’s Manicure Monday will be a bit different. I don’t know what happened to my nails during the last week, but they are broken and ripped and stained and dry and they feel weird. So I thought they might need a little break from nail polish and all that jazz. That’s why I’m gonna show you my nail polish collection, how I store them and some of my favorites.

Friday, May 10, 2013

♫ Music Friday - And We Danced

Hey Hey my little Beauty Munchkins!

Now this week’s artist is one of those examples of how far behind we here in Austria are when it comes to music. He became really famous here in 2012 even though he works in this business a lot longer. And this really bugs me, since music is such a big part of my life and I always have to check back with my american friends for what’s new. Usually it takes about half a year or even a whole year for something that’s famous there to “reach” us.
I loved his “first hit” the moment I heard it. The song I used for today’s tutorial isn’t even that popular here. The song and artist I’m talking about are:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

HOW I - dye my lashes and brows

Hey Hey my little Beauty Munchkins!

When summer comes around, I like to just get out of the house and do stuff. Go to a park, lie at the pool or go for a coffee in the sun with my friends. And when the sun is hot and burning down, we all know that mascara starts to run (no, I don’t like to wear waterproof ones) and all the makeup you put on just seems to disappear. So what I like to do is wear nothing but some BB Cream with SPF to even out my skin tone and protect my skin – no mascara, eye shadow, blush or brow powder. To still enhance and define my face a bit I dye my lashes and brows, because I’m a natural blond and they are rather light.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

TAG - This or That

Hey Hey my little Beauty Munchkins!

I think I’m probably obsessed with tags. It is just a wonderful way for you to get to know me and also for me to answer stuff I don’t normally think about, just do.
I found a wonderful list online with a lot of tags and all the questions to them. So I think there will be a lot more tag posts coming :D

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

LOVE - Catrice

Hey Hey my little Beauty Munchkins!

As you may have noticed, if you follow my blog regularly, there is one brand that stands out the most. One I absolutely couldn’t live without: Catrice
It has the best value-for-money ratio I’ve ever seen and the cutest names for their products. So first of all a big THANK YOU to all the people at Catrice for making me so damn happy :D
So I thought I’d show you my most favorite products of this brand (so far..I bet there will be a lot more coming).

Monday, May 6, 2013

℘ Manicure Monday - A Little Petrol Glitter

Hey Hey my little Beauty Munchkins!

First of all: I AM SO SORRY for not posting almost all of last week, but I had serious upload issues. My stupid internet always seems to let me down when I need it. Another part of why I’m so excited to move – a new internet provider.
So let’s start this week with a little hope that it will not happen again this time and of course Manicure Monday :)